
K-Scholar is a national cooperation project to integrate and share academic researcher information the National Assembly library of Korea, universities and institutes to create a environment for academic information convergence services.


K-Scholar aims at fusing diverse academic information by indentifying of works through domestic or international identifiers such as ISNI, VIAF, UCI, DOI.

The direction of the project

Main Services

Establish K-Scholar DB

Register ISNI of Korean researchers

Provide visualized statistical graphs about academic researchers

Operate K-Scholar system

Search Services

National Research Information cloud

Provides various academic information services such as academic journals, co-authors' maps, analysis statistics, LOD publications, full texts of Korean researchers on the cloud environment.


National Assembly Digital Library

Gives access to the National Assembly Library collection including monographs, theses, academic journals, books as well as provides specialized legislation reference information for the Members of the National Assembly and legislative support organizations.
